

Administrators now have a real opportunity with School Safety Net to take back control of their schools, end out of control bullying, remove weapons from their schools and eliminate the risk of a school shooting. If you are a school administrator please review the entire website and learn all aspects of this system. The Q@A section below will provide details of interest to administrators.

Your support will have tremendous influence on the short term success of the system. To receive maximum short term benefits for your students and school please take these steps:

  • Join your school’s Student Protection Council. This will send a clear message to the parents, students and community that you are fully engaged in eliminating these threats.
  • Hold a brief assembly with your staff and students and inform them that the School Safety Net is now active in the school. Explain to students how important it is for them to use this system and report any bullying or threat they are aware of. Speak directly to students who have been bullying or bringing weapons to school; tell them that this system virtually guarantees that they will be reported every time they commit these acts in the future. Make sure every student understands that no one will know who the reporting student is, not even you.
  • Send out an email to parents explaining that this system is now active in the school and encourage them to learn everything about this system. Impress the importance to parents of them continually discussing this system with their student and strongly encouraging them to use this to report any bullying or threat they are aware of.
  • Review your discipline policy for bullying. If any changes need to be made to shut down bullying once these reports start coming in, make whatever adjustments are necessary.

The trusted adult provides complete identification information on their identification video. Using this information follow these steps:

  • Go to their facebook page and compare their photos on facebook to their video. You can quickly tell if this is the same person.
  • If you are in immediate need of 100% verification in an extreme emergency like a bombing threat, shooting threat, etc. where there is little time to react, contact the trusted adult by phone and have them provide you with their current physical location. Tell the adult to remain there and an officer will be their very shortly to identify them. Contact local law enforcement in that area and have an officer to quickly go to the location, have the adult to show the officer the video as well as their I.D. The officer can then immediately verify the adult’s I.D. This can all be accomplished in a matter of minutes.

First, keep in mind that this system was not designed for just your school, it was created to bring epidemics problems that harm our children to an end. Refusing to cooperate with your Student Protection Council will not produce positive results in any direction.

At the end of the day, this council takes action based on the number of bullying offenses against a student. Students must realize that this is a new reality and they must stop harming others; every offense is counted.

As far as threat reports go, address every threat immediately, aggressively and make sure the threat is eliminated; the council and community will embrace you for it.



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